Esbats & Sabbats

12 Nights of Yule- December 31st

At this point we’ve been contemplating our New Year goals since Samhain, began newer healthier habits in November and have finalized our annual plans throughout December. Now that the planning is done, it’s time to relax, enjoy good food and ring in the New Year with the people in my life who matter the most. […]

Esbats & Sabbats

12 Nights of Yule- December 27th

On the eighth night of Yule, I look ahead to the eighth month of the year. In August we celebrate Lughnasadh, also known as Lammas, which marks the beginning of autumn and the first harvest of the season. It’s customary to celebrate with grain & gratitude by baking Lammas bread and sharing it with the […]

Esbats & Sabbats

12 Nights of Yule- December 24th

On the fifth night of Yule, I set my intentions for May. The month starts off with Beltane, the halfway point between the Spring Equinox and the Summer Solstice. This is the magickal time of year when we focus on the divine union between the Lord and the Lady. Beltane bonfires are lit, maypoles and […]

Esbats & Sabbats

12 Nights of Yule- December 20th

Yule officially begins today at sunset, the night before the Winter Solstice. On this day I like to prepare my Yule altar with pine cones and pine branches. I have also chosen a handful of runes to aid me in the coming year, as well as a few of my favorite crystals. Mercury retrograde has […]


‘Tis the Season of Pine

With Yule rapidly approaching, it’s time to connect with the season’s popular winter symbol- pine. Pine represents life, strength, protection, purification, abundance and love. The pine tree was thought to be the only tree to survive the Ice Age and continues to flourish through the harshest of winters, which is why pine too represents perseverance […]