The Happy Witch Project

The Happy Witch Project: Shining a Light on your Shadow Self

When I started my 28 Days of Self Love challenge, I expected February to be a fun month of self-care practices to help me progress on my path of healing. What I didn’t expect was the emotional rollercoaster I went through. Focusing on what makes you happy also forces you to acknowledge what makes you […]

Esbats & Sabbats

12 Nights of Yule- December 26th

On the seventh night of Yule, I dreamt up my plans for July and listed them in a journal I had received from an awesome friend who knows I’m basically a list-freak. It’s called The 52 Lists Project: A Year of Weekly Journaling Inspiration by Moorea Seal. The book’s sections are broken down by season […]

Esbats & Sabbats Pagan Planning

My December Esbat: Pagan Planning

The December Esbat is a great time for goal setting and contemplating the year that has passed. Have I accomplished any of the goals I’ve set for myself at the beginning of the year? Am I getting closer to any of the goals I haven’t reached yet? How can I plan to achieve those goals […]

The Happy Witch Project

The Happy Witch Project

I don’t know about you but 2016 was not the happiest year of my life. From losing my health, my job, my apartment and a few people I thought were my friends- it’s safe to say this year pretty much kicked my ass. It took a lot of shadow work, gratitude lists, quality time with […]