The Daily Witch

The Daily Witch: Sacred Sunday

Sundays just feel different from the other six days of the week. It feels brighter than normal. The birds are chirping more. Families come together for barbeques. The kids are out playing and soaking in the sunlight. Sunday corresponds to the Sun and is great for working on your career and advancing towards your dreams. […]

The Daily Witch

The Daily Witch: Saturday Secrets

Saturdays are ruled by Saturn, representing the “great unknown” which makes it a great day for all types of magick. Of course, you’d want to keep in mind the moon’s phase, its astrological timing, magick hours, void-of-course, etc.; for the best results in accordance to the spell you are crafting. As for me, I like […]

The Daily Witch

The Daily Witch: Triumphant Thursdays

Thursdays are ruled by Jupiter- the planet of strength, success, expansion and long-term good fortune. It was also named for the god Thor, who’s known for his mighty hammer and triumphant victories. Summoning Thor’s traits of power, courage and confidence can be helpful for business deals or personal relationships where strength & conviction are needed. […]

The Daily Witch

The Daily Witch: Moonchild Mondays

Mondays, being ruled by the Moon, brings the powerful element of water into play. This energy helps all our hard work flow into the goals we wish to accomplish. I like to honor the Goddess with small symbols like donning a simple pearl necklace to represent her connection to the sea; or throwing on some […]

The Daily Witch

The Daily Witch: Tough Tuesdays

Tuesdays are dedicated to Mars and the Nordic God of war- Tyr. This is a great day for strength, desire and manifestation of will. I’ll call upon my inner Warrior Witch to tackle work tasks and day-to-day difficulties with positive action. Working in a business environment, you gotta have thick skin and confidence in your […]