Herbology Spellcrafting

Preparing for Mercury Retrograde

We’ve got another Mercury Retrograde on its way which means it’s time to keep an eye out on all communication, transportation, technology and travel plans. Some people take the go with the flow approach to Mercury Retro but I like to take extra precautions for myself and my loved ones. First off, check up on […]

Esbats & Sabbats Spellcrafting

Preparing for Wolf Moon Magick

January’s Esbat celebrates the virtue of perseverance as we struggle to endure the remainder of these cold winter months before spring. That is, unless you live in the south and are enjoying sunny days with temperatures in the mid-70’s. I swear, our weather has been so chaotic. Last week we had an arctic blast. This […]


‘Tis the Season of Pine

With Yule rapidly approaching, it’s time to connect with the season’s popular winter symbol- pine. Pine represents life, strength, protection, purification, abundance and love. The pine tree was thought to be the only tree to survive the Ice Age and continues to flourish through the harshest of winters, which is why pine too represents perseverance […]