Pagan Planning

Plan with a Witch: Witchy Bullet Journal Moon Tracker

I admit it. I’m not much of a spontaneous witch. I found that the spontaneous spells I performed in the past either didn’t work or yielded erratic results. I find success in planning, preparing and clearly focusing on my intentions before doing any type of spell work. As a Cancerian, I have strong magickal ties […]

Esbats & Sabbats Pagan Planning

Plan with a Witch: Imbolc

Of all the Sabbats, I relate to Imbolc on a very spiritual and meaningful level. I connect with the imagery of a slumbering land, hiding beneath the winter snow on the cusp of awakening and renewal. My name Snow Orchid, reveals this story of my soul- a fairy tale of tragedy, courage and love. Snow- […]

Pagan Planning

Plan with a Witch: How I Setup My Pagan Bullet Journal

An arctic front hit my city this morning and I can’t think of a better reason to wrap myself up in a fuzzy blanket, enjoy a hot cup of cocoa and work on my bullet journal. As I mentioned before in my Pagan Planning post, I use the bullet journaling system to plan out my […]

Esbats & Sabbats Pagan Planning

My December Esbat: Pagan Planning

The December Esbat is a great time for goal setting and contemplating the year that has passed. Have I accomplished any of the goals I’ve set for myself at the beginning of the year? Am I getting closer to any of the goals I haven’t reached yet? How can I plan to achieve those goals […]