The Collegiate Witch

The Collegiate Witch: Planetary Study

This has been a crazy year… cosmically speaking. With so many retrogrades, eclipses and destiny-sculpting trines… I’m definitely glad I chose this year to focus on my planetary study. I dove into this type of study the same way I reacquainted myself with the elements. Books, books, books, internet and books. And just like before, […]

The Collegiate Witch The Happy Witch Project

Fire Dragon Meditation: Meet Your Dragon Spirit Guide

My study of fire has been very… illuminating- pun intended. Reigniting the flame within, shined a light on everything I didn’t want to see. It exposed shadows I had long suppressed out of fear & sheer denial. It was- for lack of a better word- intense. But how did I manage to reignite this inner-flame […]

The Collegiate Witch

The Collegiate Witch: What I’ve Learned in my Element Studies

My study of the elements hasn’t exactly gone as planned. I intended on beginning my studies with earth and work my way through to air, fire, water, and then spirit. But I’ve learned when it comes to spirituality and studying with my intuition, sometimes your magickal academic agenda needs a little wiggle-room. My first day […]

The Collegiate Witch

The Collegiate Witch: Lesson Plans

Thank you to everyone who is enjoying The Collegiate Witch series! If you’re interested in being a part of my Collegiate Witch Study Group, feel free to use the Back to Basics Lesson Plans I’ve provided below, as a general outline for your studies. Back to Basics Lesson Plan Elements and Sabbats Back to Basics […]

The Collegiate Witch

The Collegiate Witch

In my Redesigning My Books of Shadows post, I talked about getting back to basics with my practice, rediscovering the fundamentals of magick and carving out my own unique perspective on the Craft, which will then be archived in my new grimoire. The Collegiate Witch Series showcases my own academic style of studying magick- my […]

The Collegiate Witch

Redesigning My Book of Shadows

As I’ve mentioned before, my old Book of Shadows was destroyed in my last move. And just as well. I wrote that Book of Shadows when I was in my early-twenties and identified myself as Wiccan. Now that I’m in my thirties, I know my belief systems have changed. Being an eclectic witch has given […]