The Happy Witch Project

The Happy Witch Project

I don’t know about you but 2016 was not the happiest year of my life. From losing my health, my job, my apartment and a few people I thought were my friends- it’s safe to say this year pretty much kicked my ass.

It took a lot of shadow work, gratitude lists, quality time with my loved ones and tons of Pinterest inspirational quotes to remember- life is what you make of it.

 So with my heart and soul- battered and bruised, I made it my mission to get my happiness back.

My path to happiness began with healing.

After countless visits to the doctor accompanied with expensive medical bills, I couldn’t get a definitive diagnosis for my painful stomach issues. I would wake up almost every morning vomiting, enduring sharp abdominal pains and trying to find the strength to peel myself off the bathroom floor.

Not only was I fighting for my physical health, I was also fighting for my emotional & mental health. For longer than I’d like to admit, I was the constant victim of some pretty relentless workplace bullying. It took a full-on emotional breakdown to decide that my health was worth more than a paycheck. And so, after five years working at a place I considered my home- I decided to quit.

At the time, I thought my life was over. I couldn’t afford my rent or my bills. I could hardly afford to feed myself.

But it turns out, quitting was the best decision I ever made.

I began to focus on my spirituality again, and of course, the Goddess- the eternal healer, was there for me when I needed her the most.

Crystal healing helped to reenergize me, rebalance my chakras and calm my anxious heart. It wasn’t long before my health began to improve and I suddenly realized all my emotions and stress are closely connected to my stomach- which is common in a lot of Cancerians.

I’m still on this healing journey and am determined to make 2017 my happiest year yet. I encourage anyone who is dealing with anxiety, depression and unhappiness of any kind- to join me in my Happy Witch Project where I will be posting about my personal path to happiness in the hopes it might help someone who’s struggling with their own.

Blessed Be!


The Snow Orchid Witch

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